A survivor of musical theater and private opera training from a young age, Dan Amrich taught himself guitar in high school and eventually played covers in casinos and clubs for several years. Due to an overwhelming lack of confidence, Hero Falls represents his long-delayed debut as a songwriter.
With Jude Kelley, Dan is the co-creator of the Beatles/Star Wars mashup Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans under the band name Palette-Swap Ninja. (Mark Hamill really likes it.)
As a so-called adult, Dan has spent 25 years in and around the videogame industry; his editorial cartoon character “Dan Elektro” at GamePro magazine was so popular, it was made into an action figure.
He is madly in love with Katrin Auch, who is the co-creator of Hero Falls.
You can find Dan on Twitter and Facebook, among other places.